Creating Art from Photos using Style Transfer
Last year we built Pic.Hance. The initial offering leveraged AI models to enhance images to 4x their original resolution. It was really fun to build but we wanted to keep going and add more features. Recently we added a new tool that uses Style Transfer to animate photos.
The effect is like making art from your photos!
It’s been a lot of fun playing around with it. And the results have been super interesting.
It’s not always great though. Sometimes the style transfer creates a weird sickly color :D
We have lots of potential for improvement but this is still a great start. I have noticed that the best photos tend to be of elements of nature or landscapes. This is indicative of the data the model was trained on.
If you want to start animating your own photos, start here. You can start with a free trial for our unlimited photos monthly plan and animate to your hearts content.
We are still in the early stages of this tool so I am curious to see what the biggest use cases will be. Here are some that come to mind:
- Making a cartoon version of your photos for fun
- Creating artwork from photos for print on demand (either for yourself or to sell).
I am personally more excited by the second use case because I think a lot of creativity can be unlocked using this tool.
Most of us are not artists and this tool allows us to create beautiful art with a single click of a button. You can simple play around with photos and find one which works and then sell it on shirts, canvas paintings, posters, mugs etc.
If you are an artist / seller, I would love to get in touch to see how this tool can help you. Marketplaces like Etsy, Teespring, Redbubble, Society6 are great places to sell this artwork. Or even if you have your own Shopify store, this could be a great way to add more products to your catalogue.
Want to give it a try? You can start animating photos here.
Here are a few more examples just for good measure (took me 10 minutes to create).